The following are simple examples of the various types of applications Palisade Custom Development can build for you. Any custom application can be deployed over the web using Palisade's runtime libraries.
Basic Business
This is a very simplified model of business (profit equals revenue minus cost). This model builds uncertainty into revenue and cost in a very simple way by assuming that each is normally distributed and correlated to each other.
Palisade Risk Register
This model illustrates a simple Risk Register where events are defined by their probabilities of occurrence and uncertain impacts. The model calculates pre- and post-project losses and identifies key drivers.
Palisade Credit Risk System
This model uses Monte Carlo simulation to calculate expected and unexpected losses in a portfolio of credit loans. Model information is extracted from an external database.
Oil & Gas
This model shows how in a simple production forecasting model, the time component can be included in Monte Carlo Simulation modeling, showing Trend and Box-plot graphics, including time as part of the equation.
Basic Portfolio Analysis
This model uses Monte Carlo simulation to determine the different possible returns on a stock portfolio given uncertain returns on individual stocks.
Cost Estimation
This model answers the common project management questions: What is the probability the project will be completed within the budget? And how much contingency should be included?
Cash Flow / NPV
This model shows Monte Carlo simulation can forecast the financial success of a new proposed project or venture.
Insurance Claims - Model with Compound Distribution
This model uses a random number of claims and a typical random claim amount to calculate expected and unexpected losses of each claim type.
Fit Sample Data
This example shows how to fit a distribution to a series of sample data points.
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